We were lucky enough to have John Ng from Humans of SKY interview our academy director on the impact that Covid-19 has had on her business.
Support your local Inner West business! Meet Katie Thomas, owner/teacher of Katie Thomas Percussion and Academy Director for Footscray-Yarraville City Percussion Academy My academy was one of the first to jump online, launching it’s online platform on the 23rd of March. I am very fortunate that all of my students - adults and children - leapt straight on board. I have been teaching some of their children for a a few years now and have developed trust with them and the product I deliver. Online lessons are surprisingly great! They are engaging, effective and fun. The kids have to listen extra hard and I actually find that they are sometimes more engaged than at school. I have a great set up thanks to my partner who is an events live streamer, and good internet! Myself personally… I lost all of my professional performance work including concerts, festivals and sporting events. It was a big blow financially, so luckily I could rely on my academy to help me through this difficult time. At first, I really struggled. As a massive extrovert I was staring into the abyss of time before I could see my friends, fellow musicians and work colleagues. I had so many projects that I had been wanting to do, but didn’t know where to start. By the end of the first week I realised that I had to change the way I was operating if I was going to make it through this challenging time. I realised I worked best when I have a schedule, so I made a new one to fit this new life. Personally, not being hard on myself when I feel like I’m not doing it right. Everyone’s isolation is different for them. Kindness to yourself and others is key. My business is now fully online and going great. We ran our first ensemble rehearsals on the weekend and the kids were great. I think I was the most excited out of all the kids haha! But I could tell they were super happy to see their friends again and play some music. Don't miss out on another Human story. Sign up for the Humans of SKY and the Inner West newsletter via the website www.humansofsky.com.au !!
